
On a Positive Note : Graduations :)

Last Saturday, March 23, 2013, my Brother Edmond graduated college! It was not just an ordinary day but it was also my Mom's birthday. I was really very touched by his message (click here to read : Edmond's Message to Mum :) ) that I became nostalgic.. and I wanted to reminisce my own graduation rites.

So now I'm writing because I want to share about my graduation stories, and a gist of my school life.

For three graduations, I marched at the Miriam College Sports Complex (since I graduated Miriam College- Grade School, High School, and College). See how loyal I am to my alma mater? :)

Grade  School didn't leave me much great memories. It was seven long years, and I just feel very average. I was a shy girl in gradeschool and I do not speak out. Actually, I am scared of my teachers and was always nervous to recite in class. However, I had a strong interest in arts, crafts, and painting. It was the only thing where I was able to express myself and where I excel at. I even received club awards in being a young artist club member. I did graduate gradeschool and I passed MC High- but yeah, as I've mentioned, just plain Average. :) I am thankful because my parents (most especially my mom) never really pressured me to be on the top, as in top. They are very proud even of my smallest achievements; and I really thank them for that kind of parental support.

In High School, I became more active. I made more friends, I sometimes recite already, I accept responsibilities in group works, I get perfect scores in Long Tests, and I even received second honors for some quarterly assessments, which made my parents even prouder. Again, I am very thankful for my parents' support for all the things I achieved; and I thank them for not complaining or asking for the things that I don't and cannot achieve.

BUT then, there was a turning point in my life come High School Graduation Day. FYI, I was still an average student in high school and will graduate average then. We had to march in the Sports Complex and exit by rows of two down the middle isle, and it's okay with me to march with any student. What is not okay is that the partner that I was going to march with was no less than our Student Council President that time, who was also our class Salutatorian, a Debater, a beauty ambassador, an exemplary behavior awardee, and the list goes on. Beauty and height, brains, heart, talent, etc.- name it, I think she has it! I am not against her because she's a real role model for a lot of students, but during the graduation ceremonies, I really cannot explain how I felt about it. She was in all smiles marching down the isle with overlapping medals, plaques, bouquets of flowers with everyone along the isle (be it students, teachers and parents) greeting her and saluting her for all that she has achieved; and, I was there too marching/ exiting side by side with her wearing only a loyalty medal and holding my diploma. Of course, I was thankful I graduated without problems, and I am very very thankful that my parents were there, as always, to support me for every achievement and award/ recognition I get. But I remembered the look on my parents faces when our SC President and I were passing by them. Yes, they are smiling at me, but I know that deep down, they are also admiring my partner and hoping that they can go up the stage too and be even more proud of me. They didn't say anything, but I know that deep deep down, they also imagined that.

From that point onward,  I told myself I should set a goal for myself to run for latin honors. Instead of taking that circumstance as a problem that will discourage me, I should make it my inspiration to strive harder. If she was able to do it, so can anyone else!

I entered college with much hope and determination to be more. I stepped out of my comfort zone and challenged myself to really persist. I always recite in class and I learned to speak up. I did a lot of volunteer work and took the initiative most of the time in projects. I was not afraid to talk to people anymore; as a matter of fact, I befriended some of my professors. I also became an active officer in our school organization (secretary, then even as president the succeeding year). I joined organizations and competitions outside school. I bought home awards, prizes and medals which not only made my parents but also my school proud. To top it all off, I was a consistent dean's lister and was even awarded twice an honor scholarship grant (given to the top three highest averages per year level). I can't imagine how I did all those transformations in four years! Getting all those things I've mentioned was not easy at all.

Finally, come college graduation, I gave my parents one of the best gifts they could ask for: to join me on stage as I receive my Magna Cum Laude and Top 2 award. :''> This is really for them!

I don't have a copy of the awarding on stage so I will put this picture with my parents.
I really love this shot. Nagkakawrinkles na sila Mommy and Daddy sa sobrang saya :)

While I was marching down the isle during my college graduation, a flashback of my high school graduation occurred to me. After 4 fruitful years of hard work, persistence and determination, I still can't believe I DID IT. It feels like I'm floating on air! on a high! hahaha. Really, I'm not exaggerating. Daddy/ Mommy also said s/he feels afloat. I know, and I can feel it that during my graduation, they are not just feeling good, but they are feeling at their best. :)

It was one of my milestones in life. I know I am a late bloomer (and maybe you can see it based on my progress as a student), but I would like to share these thoughts : It is not wrong and it is never too late to dream big. However, we should manage to set short term goals to attain our dreams/ goals. It's not easy at all and we will encounter times when we think we are hopeless, but we must learn to use the hard rocks that put us down as a stepping stone to bring us up and to rise from all those challenges. No one is perfect and there will be a lot of people who are above us, some people who will pull us down, or some who will not care at all. We should not compare ourselves with others, we should not make their success as our standard of our own success. We should have our own personal standards in our studies, work and life in general. I know it's a cliche that Graduations are not the end but truly, it is only the start of our life story.

YOLO - You only live once , so better make the most out of it and do something worthwhile. I believe nothing is really impossible when we face it no matter what the consequences may be.

Here's a picture of my friends and I before we took on our own fights in the real world.
To all the graduates, and for those who will soon graduate, congratulations!
 I hope one person can be inspired from this entry.

All the best,

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